Frequently Asked Questions:

  • State and government agencies promote family reunification and support low-income families when biological parents suffer mental health challenges, financial insecurities, and/or substance abuse disorders. Agencies like the Department of Children, Youth, and Families (DCYF) provide free government resources and support , contracting third-party Visit Supervisors to provide transportation and supervision for their family cases. However, families who do not fall into the system for these helpful resources must pay out-of-pocket to remedy family challenges and find themselves searching for qualified professionals who are compassionate, qualified, and committed to supporting the reunification and/or rehabilitation for families experiencing separation, divorce, adoption, or legal proceedings due to No-Contact Orders.

    CFS is a family agency that connects qualified Contractors who work in paratransit, family monitoring, and peer support with families who care about the safety and security of their children during traumatic family experiences like No-Contact Orders, adoptions, divorce, legal separations, etc.

    Our agency is passionate about supporting children, youth, and families of all backgrounds, who must hire help in maintaining familial bonds and civility to avoid continued trauma. We want to help all families customize an affordable transportation or family visit schedule, and connect families with professionals who care about their family's safety and security.

    Our ideal Client is a legal parent/guardian within 100 miles of Thurston County Washington in need of our services. We also can work with families nationwide who are in need of virtual family visits because the other biological parent, guardian, or family member does not live in Washington state.

    We coordinate with school districts, state and local agencies, law offices, and community-based organizations to ensure careful transportation and quality services for our shared Clients.

  • We're excited to work with you! Clients are rigorously vetted to ensure that CFS can connect you with professionals who can provide careful transportation and quality service for your children and family.

    Steps for Clients to contract Transportation and/or Family Visit Supervisors with CFS:

    1. Free Quote: Potential Clients initiate services by calling CFS for a free 30-Minute consultation to discuss needs and receive a free quote. If interested, the Client must schedule their 60-Minute Intake Application with

    2. Intake Application: Potential Clients must select the services needed, provide their family's information, discuss budget and costs, setup a service schedule, provide authorizations and agreements, and process their payment either 100% in full for the month (prorated), or 25% deposit with scheduled weekly payments for the remaining 75%. Once payment is processed, CFS will provide Clients with a list of eligible Contractors. The Client will select the Contractor and make contact for the new Statement of Work.

    3. Client Portal Subscription: Clients subscribe to the CFS Client Portal to gain easy access to documents, resources, and maintain contact with CFS for support, billing, and updates. Clients can also access peer support groups and a directory of community partners.

  • We're excited to work with you! Professionals are rigorously vetted to ensure careful transportation and quality service is provided at all times.

    Steps to becoming contracted with CFS:

    1. Interest: Potential Contractors must attend an Info Session and be provided with the Onboarding Checklist, if they qualify. Contractor to submit all required documentation and availability to

    2. Quality: Potential Contractor must attend and complete all required training and provide certification of completion to

    3. Safety: Potential Contractor must submit to defensive driving course, vehicle inspection, insurance and background check, and coordinate completion with

    4. Onboarding: Potential Contractors must attend Orientation and a Ride-Along before signing a contract with CFS.

    5. All new Contractors become eligible to receive Client Referrals in Sprout and coordinate services based on the confirmed service schedule. Our Management Team stays connected with all Contractors to maintain resource and professional development, surveys, billing, and marketing standards for a growing pool of Clients.

  • Item description
  • All Contractors are Mandated Reporters. Please visit HERE for current standards. From the time of application, to your exit survey, we are obligated to report any incident of perceived or witnessed abuse and/or neglect to a child or vulnerable adult. The safety and security of every child is our priority. All sensitive information is kept confidential and only shared on a need-to-know basis when safety is a concern and to comply with law enforcement, court and legal teams, CPS/social workers, and cooperating state and government agencies.

    All personal and financial information collected during an Intake Application is kept confidential, stored and maintained in a secure location for up to six years, in the event of court subpoena. Contractors do not handle Client billing. However, each Contractor's business may collect Client information for their own regulatory and statistical purposes. Only our agency's Program Management Team refer to your application information for billing and statistical purposes.

  • We understand that Adverse Childhood Experiences and personal trauma creates a myriad of trouble within our communities, the economy, our healthcare system, and even ecology. Yet stress and burdens within families continue to rise and our children's mental and physical health are at stake. Our top priority is the safety and security of all children, youth, and families, to alleviate the effects of trauma sustained by conflict, separation and/or transitions within a family. We are committed to a high-level of professionalism to maintain unbiased and objectivity throughout our services. We do not pick sides with any case, as we are not Social Workers, Lawyers, Doctors, or Judges. We do not benefit in any way by family court decisions. Our job is to maintain safety and quality services that reduce the effects of trauma within families, as they navigate systems that cause them a lot of undue stress. Allow us to support your family by getting your children to/from school on time, to family events and visits, and maintain a consistent and reliable schedule that allows your family to continue maintaining a sense of security for your children while you experience transitions that can otherwise be hard for children to process.

  • We do not use video, photography, or audio surveillance during service time, including dash-cams, body-cams, video or phone footage. Contractors are trained for time-keeping, and note taking, to capture all interactions during services without the use of any audio or video recordings. Services are documented within a state-approved and widely used system called Sprout. Only family monitored services are documented in a report that is shared with pre-approved professionals who are working on your open case, including your attorney, social worker, and/or CPS.

  • CFS accepts Contractors with varying degrees of experience and training, including behavioral health, special needs, and disabilities. Clients share their unique family situation and children's needs during the Intake Application so that they can be matched with qualified Contractors. Clients ultimately choose the right Contractor for their family's needs so it is important for families to express their concerns, including preferred equipment and/or harnesses required.

  • We are a drug and alcohol free agency. All Clients and Contractors must agree to our Drug and Alcohol-Free Policy to maintain the safety of children and to keep their CFS subscription. Any reports of failure to adhere to this policy during service time will result in a review process, and drug screening for Contractors. Clients who are observed under the influence during family monitoring visits will be documented and reported. Clients who are observed nodding off to sleep during family visits will receive up to two warnings, before the visit is ended for the safety and security of all children. No smoking of cigarettes, tobacco, vapes, or smoke products are allowed during service time with children and youth. Strong smells of tobacco, cannabis, or alcohol can be very triggering for children and youth. Clients will be given a warning to remove or address the smell before the visit is ended for the safety and security of all children.

  • Yes! Once you are matched with Contractors available to accommodate your schedule and needs, you will be connected with the Contractor you choose to work with from that point. CFS will then only manage your account for billing and resources during your subscription. If you no longer wish to work with the Contractor you hired, you must submit your 3-Day Notice to end the Statement of Work, and contact CFS to be matched with a new Contractor. All Clients and Contractors are surveyed and receive ratings to maintain integrity and accountability.

  • Yes! but unfortunately, not all family interactions are safe, civil, or are convenient to manage. Clients want discretion, reliability, and experienced persons who will not negatively impact their family court case. And furthermore, they don't want to go broke during an open case!

    Families experiencing disruptions and trauma as a result of No-Contact Orders, divorce, separation, and/or adoption proceedings often have a non-custodial parent/guardian, sometimes even non-residential siblings, who demand to visit with children, but can present conflicts of interest or schedule.

    You have the right to solicit family, friends, or neighbors to drive your children to/from school and family visits. Parents/Guardians can also choose family members, friends, and/or neighbors to monitor or supervise family visits and interactions with non-custodial parent/guardian or siblings during an open family court case. However, most people lack the time, tools, and training to ensure children are fully protected and supported during these harsh experiences. Most untrained persons are not prepared to meet court orders and their requirements, to give objective reports to the court under subpoena, or to be impartial if/when reports of abuse or neglect are under investigation.

    Families that find themselves in these unpleasant transitions often are too overwhelmed, sometimes even embarrassed, to talk to family and friends about the situation at all. Sometimes, families are not at liberty to discuss any details of an open case to others who are not parties of the case.

    We contract experienced professionals who are compassionate, qualified, and committed to supporting the reunification and/or rehabilitation for families experiencing separation, divorce, adoption, or legal proceedings due to No-Contact Orders. We also ensure that you are not taken advantage of, and pay extraordinary private rates. We help you customize a schedule within your budget, ensure you stay protected, and more importantly, that your children are not subjected to additional and unnecessary stress.

  • Clients discuss affordability and budget during the Intake Application to customize a schedule that works for them. Clients can also discuss sharing their bill with another parent/guardian, caregiver, or organization that has opted to cover some or all of the costs of services. All services are pre-scheduled for the month and payment is required 100% upfront, or 25% upfront and the remaining 75% of the bill is split into weekly payments for the month. Understanding that life happens and finances change, Clients are responsible for giving a 3-Day Notice to end all services to avoid additional fees. Weekly bills must be paid each Saturday to avoid termination and a disruption in services. If you foresee a change in finances and need to revisit your budget and schedule, please Contact Us.

    We are giving generous families the option to "Pay It Forward" by rounding their monthly bill up and donating anonymously to the bill of a family in need of support. Contact Us for more information.

    To cancel your subscription, please submit your 3-Day Notice to to avoid additional fees. We encourage cancellations to be submitted on Fridays to avoid any Saturday payment processing for the upcoming week.

  • Our current rates are listed in our Menu.

    Contractors manage your services, but our Management Team and Accounting manage your billing. This ensures that there is no conflict of interest.

    Billing cycles for Clients run from Monday through Sunday of each week. Pay cycles for Contractors run monthly.

    Invoice payments are processed every Saturday.

    At the end of each month, CFS will confirm schedules for the upcoming month with Clients and availability with Contractors. Clients must respond to CFS emails and notifications to confirm and continue services to avoid service disruptions.

    We accept all major credit cards, personal checks, Cashier's Checks, and electronic transfers for Invoice payments. Cash is not accepted.

    Bills can be split between parents, guardians, or supplemented by organizations paying on behalf of families. Payment arrangements must be discussed in advance and paid on time to avoid disruption of services.

